Upcoming Events

Filtering by: “Associate Members”

ABC Resource Partner Group Lunch

ABC Resource Partner Group Lunch

  • Associated Builders and Contractors Southeastern Michigan (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

ABC Southeastern Michigan is pleased to announce the formation of a new networking group specifically designated for ABC Associate Members. Please join ABC Associate members in the ABC Freedom Room. Be ready to discuss what this group can do for you and your business.

*Please register so we can get an accurate count for food.

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ABC Resource Partner Group Breakfast

ABC Resource Partner Group Breakfast

  • Associated Builders and Contractors Southeastern Michigan (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

ABC Southeastern Michigan is pleased to announce the formation of a new networking group specifically designated for ABC Associate Members. Please join ABC Associate members in the ABC Freedom Room. Be ready to discuss what this group can do for you and your business.

*Please register so we can get an accurate count for food.

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ABC Resource Partner Group Happy Hour

ABC Resource Partner Group Happy Hour

  • Associated Builders and Contractors Southeastern Michigan (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

ABC Southeastern Michigan is pleased to announce the formation of a new networking group specifically designated for ABC Associate Members. Please join ABC Associate members in the ABC Freedom Room. Be ready to discuss what this group can do for you and your business.

*Please register so we can get an accurate count for food.

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ABC Resource Partner Group Lunch Meeting

ABC Resource Partner Group Lunch Meeting

  • Associated Builders and Contractors Southeastern Michigan (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

ABC Southeastern Michigan is pleased to announce the formation of a new networking group specifically designated for ABC Associate Members. Please join ABC Associate members in the ABC Freedom Room. Be ready to discuss what this group can do for you and your business.

*Please register so we can get an accurate count for lunch.

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ABC Resource Partner Group St. Patrick’s Pre-Game

ABC Resource Partner Group St. Patrick’s Pre-Game

  • Associated Builders and Contractors Southeastern Michigan (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

ABC Southeastern Michigan is pleased to announce the formation of a new networking group specifically designated for ABC Associate Members. Please join ABC Associate members in the ABC Freedom Room. Be ready to discuss what this group can do for you and your business. Drinks and Snacks provided by Specialized Recruiting Group

*Please register so we can get an accurate count for drinks.

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ABC Resource Partner Group Breakfast

ABC Resource Partner Group Breakfast

  • Associated Builders and Contractors Southeastern Michigan (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

ABC Southeastern Michigan is pleased to announce the formation of a new networking group specifically designated for ABC Associate Members. Please join ABC Associate members on February 14 at 8:30 a.m. in the ABC Freedom Room. Be ready to discuss what this group can do for you and your business. Breakfast will be served at 8:30 a.m.

*Please register so we can get an accurate count for breakfast.

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ABC Associate Group Luncheon

ABC Associate Group Luncheon

  • Associated Builders and Contractors Southeastern Michigan (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

ABC Southeastern Michigan is pleased to announce the formation of a new networking group specifically designated for ABC Associate Members. Please join us for the inaugural monthly meeting on Jan. 10 at noon in the ABC Freedom Room. Be ready to discuss what this group can do for you and your business. Lunch will be provided courtesy of HRPro.

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