The ABC Mission.
ABC will continually strive to be the leading voice promoting free enterprise within the construction industry. ABC will promote and defend the merit shop philosophy. This philosophy encourages open competition and a free-enterprise approach to construction based solely on merit, regardless of labor affiliation.
ABC values economic freedom within a free-market economy, with open and fair competition and diverse participants constantly striving to achieve the highest levels of personal and company performance.
ABC values the highest levels of personal and corporate standards of behavior characterized by responsibility, accountability and integrity, with demonstrated personal and industry professionalism by all participants.
We exist to advance the merit shop in the construction industry and to provide members and their employees with an opportunity to succeed.

Workforce Training
Our education affiliate the Southeast Michigan Construction Academy has open enrollment for the fall and winter semesters. Formal training is available at a discount for ABC members. Offering training in electrical, carpentry, welding and heavy construction. Invest in your workforce, build them up and increase your workforce!
ABC Member Discount Programs

ABC Worker’s Comp Fund
The ABC Fund administered by RPS Regency, is owned by its members and operates similar to an insurance company – providing the same employer protection and paying claims to employees injured on the job. For more than 25 years, the Fund has saved ABC members money by operating with reduced overhead, aggressively managing its claims and through industry-specific loss control efforts. The money that is not used to pay for claims, and any investment income, is returned to the members over time. As the Fund ages, ABC members receive profit returns from a number of Fund years. Also, the ABC Fund is protected from large losses by the purchase of excess loss insurance, further enhancing stability and profitability.
Enhance your safety plan with the help of ABC SEMI Director of Safety. Drew worked on the job site for 28 years before coming to work at ABC. He has a passion for the construction industry and is motivated to make sure each employee works safe and goes home safe. Keeping your workforce safe reduces accidents, eliminates OSHA fines and reduces your workers' compensation costs. See more about the training Drew provides and get in touch with him about scheduling training by emailing
OSHA 10 and 30 Construction
First Aid/CPR/AED Training
Lifting and Rigging
PPE/Fall Protection
ABC STEP Safety Management System
Construction Coalition for a Drug- and Alcohol-Free Workplace
Fire Protection and Prevention