Who: ABC MI Active Members & Guests
What: Prevailing Wage Webinar
When: 11 am Tuesday, April 18th
Where: Zoom https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84419506642
Meeting ID: 844 1950 6642
Presenter: Nat Peniston
The presentation will focus on the Davis-Bacon Act and the State of Michigan’s
specific rules, regulations, and best practices, including:
1. Best practices for submitting bids
2. Identifying the correct wage determination
3. Fringe benefit calculations
4. Overtime, holidays, paid time off (PTO), and weekend work
5. Increases in wages over the life of a project
6. Proper documentation for an investigation or audit
7. How different funding sources trigger different prevailing wage obligations
8. How to maximize fringe benefit obligations
9. When bona bide benefits must be annualized
10. Apprenticeship obligations
Attendees will receive a copy of The Contractor’s Guide to the Davis-Bacon Act: Essential Knowledge for Bidding and Compliance on Prevailing Wage Jobs, by Nat Peniston.